Sacramento comic book artists

Sacramento artists showcase comic book art at crockercon the. Volunteer virtual classroom speaker comic book artist writer nepris inc. A fuzzy and illdefined writer and educator of comic books, comedy, socks, masking tape art, and more. A1 comics inc 1569 followers a1comics 22067 a1comicss feedback score is 22067 100. Our newest posts san diego comic con postponed till 2021. Ronald ron lim born 1965 is an american comic book artist living in sacramento, california.

Convention scene is the webs leading source for comic book conventions, comic book creator store signings, and much more. Comic books are no longer just for geeks, but this hasnt made it easier for sacramentos artists to break through. Comic books, art and painting,digital art,photography companies not specified. Comic book artists hope to draw crowds to support kids. Asians fulfill fantasies as comic book artists, asian week 17 june 1988, p. They might not be superheroes, but the artists from the sacramento comicbook creators group are drawing on their abilities to bring some holiday cheer. All tickets already purchased online or at your local comic book store will still be honored. Sam kieth is an american comics artist and writer, best known as the creator of the maxx and zero girl.

Comic book artists take over crocker art museum at crockercon. Comic book artists showcase art at crockercon at crocker museum. Sac comiccon is proud to welcome eric nguyen to the march 22, 2020 convention. Sccg sacramento comicbook creators group 386 photos 3. Which star trek actor once played captain america at comic book. Sacramento, ca september 10, 2019 the crocker art museum is calling all comic book lovers to bust out their best sup. Crocker prepares for invasion of superheroes, antiheroes at. Volunteer virtual classroom speaker comic book artistwriter.

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